Who Are We

Welcome to Prudi’s Corner

Welcome to Prudi’s Corner, where cultures meet and the love for great food unites us all. Nestled in the vibrant heart of Jinja at 230d Kiira Rd, our pizzeria and Ethiopian restaurant is more than just a dining destination – it’s an experience you won’t forget.

Creating a relaxing atmosphere

At Prudi’s Corner, we take pride in creating an atmosphere that feels like home, where laughter fills the air and the aroma of mouthwatering cuisine envelops you. Our relaxed, informal setting is perfect for anyone looking to unwind and indulge in the warmth of East African hospitality. Gather with friends and family, and let us take you on a culinary journey through Italy and Ethiopia – two lands with rich culinary traditions.

Giving back to the community

At the heart of Prudi’s Corner is more than just food – it’s our dedication to giving back to the community that has given us so much. Our commitment to charity, specifically in supporting school children in need, is an essential part of our story. With every meal you enjoy, you’re not only treating yourself to an unforgettable dining experience but also contributing to a brighter future for the children of Uganda. Through various initiatives, we have been able to provide educational resources, nutritious meals, and a helping hand to countless young students in the Jinja area. It is our way of investing in the future leaders of our community and fostering a sense of unity, love, and support.

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